Joe Biden’s COVID-19 plan invites for 100 million doses in the first 100 days.
January 15, 2021: Joe Biden wants Americans to get 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots during his presid..,
January 15, 2021: Joe Biden wants Americans to get 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots during his presid..,
One of your most important tasks as a CEO is getting work done through others. When you are the leader, it’s easy for others to look to you for the answers. As you coach others, you may fall into the trap of telling and giving instructions. After all, you have valuable experience and expertise to..,
Women are as equally qualified for leadership positions as their male counterparts; however, we are not receiving these positions in the same manner that men are. Women are identical from men on key leadership traits, such as the capacity for innovation and intelligence. Some..,
Sticking to your core values as a leader is vital for retention of engaged, high performing employees. Rather than get philosophical, let’s look at the facts.1. According to Gallup’s 2015 study, “The State of the American Manager,” 77% of employees who strongly agree that they know what..,
In a jungle of fast-moving technology collecting and churning out an enormous amount of facts, figures, numbers, and data at an exponential rate, the capability to interpret information and turn them into insights has become one of the pillars to critical leadership success..,
Work is where we give our best to recognize ourselves, the place where we get motivated to achie..,
There were changes in the president’s team in the United States whenever a new president come in..,
Cardiovascular related disease treatment is going to hit the sky in the coming decade, along with th..,
With the wearables shifting towards Healthcare the market is picking up critical market value. In this pand..,
The intelligence which can think and decide like humans, gave entirely new sector in the healthcare indus..,
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