The Future of Remote Working


Flexible working, remote working, and work-from-home are some of the trendiest styles of working that the current generation enjoys. Being given a choice to work from both the office and home is a practice that many businesses offer as a standard approach to productivity and efficiency. Ever since the pandemic, work from home has opened up a massive gateway to getting work done at a faster pace. However, this leaves a ton of challenges for Human Resources departments, especially when recruiting and integrating new employees into the company and getting them acquainted with the company culture from a remote location. 

Despite the hurdles that have to be faced eventually, how will the future of remote apprentices look like this year, and what should employers keep in mind when it comes to rolling out new schemes?

  1. Onboarding processes will be critical

It’s imperative that employees know the company’s go-about, who their immediate contacts will be, and what will be anticipated from them. If the company has two or more new joiners, HR must ensure proper time allocation on the company’s end for the employees to associate and communicate. Once acquainted, try scheduling a full group meeting or social gathering around their first week. It’s essential to let the newcomers know they’re part of the team despite the remote working circumstances. This way, the work they’re doing on a daily basis will be recognized and have a positive impact. 

  1. Learning is going to take longer

Apprenticeships are tied in with learning at work, which can be much simpler when you’re in the same room as those you should be working with. Be patient and remember that it will take more time to pick up skills and hone them when being taught online. Make sure you offer open doors for inquiries to be posed, as well as giving space for individuals to become accustomed to the tools themselves.

  1. Helping to look after employee well-being will draw an engaged workforce

At this point, it’s not enough to really just focus on employees during their regular work hours. As a business employer offering support in different aspects of their life – like their private life – will be much received, particularly as the lines between work and home keep on being obscured. Ensuring employee well-being—both mental and physical—will imply that you will enjoy a festive and collaborative workforce.

  1. Communication is absolutely vital for a smooth transition

Communication is significant in any business, more so when working remotely. Ensure that employers or apprentices know who they’re approaching to convey ideas and grievances and suggest them better ways to do so. There needs to be openness between the supervisor and his/her employee to clear the air and avoid miscommunication. As for a few, some prefer slack messages and weekly phone calls, while some prefer daily catch-ups

  1. Flexibility and understanding the situation of every individual is critical

Every employee has different situations of their own. Some could face a power shortage, preventing them from attending that online meeting they had prepared for. Some may not have constant internet access that could hinder the process of communication. Depending on the countless situations of employees—there should be communication channels kept open to adapt and be flexible—depending on the need of each employee.


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