Driven by Purpose, Passion, & Vision | Dr. Amish Purohit

Driven by Purpose, Passion, & Vision | Dr. Amish Purohit

Dr. Amish Purohit does not measure success based on the company’s financial health and instead focuses on how Arkos Health is working towards eliminating healthcare disparities. Dr. Purohit has formulated a clear, inspiring vision for the organization, demonstrated a relentless passion for serving the underserved and oppressed individuals, with a purpose to improve and impact every life that Arkos Health touches.

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Tana Greene

Tana Greene

At 17, she wrote a goal on a piece of paper, “own my own business by age 30.” She spent the next 12 years defining what that business would be, but her purpose was clear. She wanted to help others by finding them employment.

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Building A Better Tomorrow | Stacy Racca

Building A Better Tomorrow | Stacy Racca

When Abraham Lincoln came to power, the nation was in peril, and he had the intelligence, and the self-confidence, to know that he needed the best people by his side, people who were leaders in their own right and who were very aware of their strengths.

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Making Moving & Storage Simple | Mark Kuhns

Making Moving & Storage Simple | Mark Kuhns

Mark Kuhns, CEO of 1-800-PACK-RAT and Zippy Shell, has a passion for customer service and believes the customer should be the focus of everything the company does. The company motto is to “be the best part of your customer’s day,” and he ensures that the entire company is aligned with that mission.

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