The retired Prime Minister of Italy has leukaemia and is having a lung infection

April 10, 2023: Retired Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has had chronic blood cancer for a little time and is in intensive care for a lung infection, his doctors spoke.

On Wednesday, the 86-year-old, whose media empire became the billionaire, was rushed to the intensive care of Milan’s San Raffaele hospital, deepening concerns over his increasingly fragile health.

In their initial statement on his condition, doctors Alberto Zangrillo and Fabio Ciceri showed that Berlusconi had been identified with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukaemia.

“Silvio Berlusconi is in intensive care treating a lung infection,” they said, which adds that the illness was related to cancer.

On Thursday, two of Berlusconi’s children, daughter Marina and son Luigi, arrived at the hospital but did not speak to the journalists and camera crews who waited outside. His younger brother Paolo visited him and left at lunchtime with Luigi.

Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party is the position of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing coalition, though the identifying prime minister does not have a role in the administration.

“I spoke this light with Professor Zangrillo, and he told me that Berlusconi expended a quiet night; his rule is stable,” Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani stated on RAI state television.

Tajani, a Berlusconi ally within Forza Italia, noted that Berlusconi had survived several health problems.

“We all need to be optimistic, and we hope the lion will return soon to take charge of the party. He’s our political leadership, and of course, he never gives up,” Tajani stated to the broadcaster.

The party subsequently said that Berlusconi had spoken to senior Forza Italia allies in the morning and urged “maximum commitment” in parliament.

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