SEC Warns Elon Musk of Sanctions for Dodging Twitter Depositions

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has escalated its legal battle with Elon Musk, demanding that a federal judge impose sanctions against him for repeatedly failing to comply with court-ordered depositions related to a 2018 settlement agreement. The SEC argues that Musk’s refusal to cooperate with the deposition process clearly violates the settlement terms and constitutes contempt of court.

The settlement agreement in 2018 required Musk to step down as Tesla’s chairman and pay a $20 million fine after he tweeted misleading statements about taking the company private. As part of the settlement, Musk also agreed to cooperate with the SEC’s oversight of his public statements regarding Tesla.

However, the SEC has alleged that Musk has been evasive and obstructive in his responses to deposition questions. The agency argues that Musk’s behavior is designed to delay the investigation and prevent the SEC from obtaining the information it needs to ensure that he complies with the terms of the settlement agreement.

In its latest filing, the SEC has asked the court to order Musk to pay fines for each day he continues defying the deposition order. Additionally, the SEC has suggested that the court could hold Musk in contempt of court and impose other penalties, such as imprisonment.

The SEC’s action is a significant escalation in the ongoing legal battle between Musk and the agency. If the court were to impose sanctions against Musk, it could have serious consequences for him and Tesla.

As of September 23, 2024, the SEC’s motion for sanctions is pending before the court. Musk has not yet responded to the SEC’s allegations.

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