Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) principles in a Small Business

Total Quality Management (TQM) is an organisational philosophy that small business owners and managers adopt rather than a particular management tool or procedure. They strive to see the company from the perspective of its consumers, focusing on quality and pricing to attract and retain clients. In order to increase and sustain market share via constant product and service development, managers identify their core client base rather than concentrating only on earnings. Small businesses might gain from implementing TQM’s principles into their working environment.

Customers Come First

A small business using a TQM approach must recognise who its present customers are,  note their essential demands and specifications, and maintain these expectations at the forefront of their strategy and procedures. This idea could also be applied to internal clients, with co-workers being treated as clients and having their needs met.


The atmosphere in which a healthy function is created by its leaders. For employees to carry out, they establish policies, devise a strategy, and start a campaign. Since they are more likely to be completely aware of every aspect of their organisation and how it interacts, small firms can benefit from the need for participatory management. To provide employees with a deeper understanding of what it takes to run a successful firm, managers and owners can educate them on business operations, industry advances, and market trends.

Staff Participation

Leaders are wiser at hiring and retaining great people when they establish and convey customer-focused strategies. Faster issue identification and resolution, process execution, and overall productivity are made possible by choosing, training, and inspiring personnel to collaborate, particularly in cross-functional teams. TQM gives well-educated, motivated workers more influence over their job and a stronger sense of ownership in the business.

Processing Method

Instead of attempting to find problems during post-production inspection, which wastes resources on possibly defective items, a knowledgeable workforce in TQM may assist in constructing a proactive approach that integrates quality into each stage as they design and deliver products.

Statistical Quality Assurance

Statistical Quality Assurance (SQA) is a decision-support tool that small business owners may use to ensure their products meet specifications. These criteria define features for the product line as the company gains a deeper understanding of client wants. Employees and management improve measures for these characteristics, even creating a “perfect” product.

Supply Chain Relations

Businesses may apply these TQM tenets to their suppliers. They will be better able to monitor quality and add value across the supply chain if they know their attitudes, beliefs, and skills and the minimal and maximum deviations in the products they deliver to the business.

Continual Development

In TQM, continuous improvement is essential. In essence, the company continually follows the first six principles in its practice. Making minor operations improvements requires the whole company’s time and effort, from senior leadership to front-line staff. Instead of starting a revolution in how a business operates, gradual improvements driven by everyone inside the organisation transform the firm and embed the TQM concept into the corporate culture.


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