A Transformational Leader | Neha Sahi

Neha Sahi


What makes a good leader?  Competence, expertise, communication skills, integrity?  Likely no one would argue that.  But what makes an exceptional leader?  How about all that plus a wonderful personality?  That will distinguish one from the crowd, especially if the people following that leader are the ones who placed them in that leadership position in the first place.

Introducing Neha Sahi

She certainly didn’t set out to be a leader. Completing her Chartered Accountant degree in India and practicing there for a year, Neha came to Canada with her husband and infant daughter. After many interviews at various locations, she began to see that serving in public practice would be her niche.  When Lazer Grant offered her a job in 2009 as a CPA student, she found a friendly, supportive and flexible environment, which was all she needed to develop her skills and passions. Within less than ten years, she climbed the ladder from student to manager to partner; an exceptional achievement.  “I am the first female person of color to join the leadership in the company. The company supported me in every way through the process by giving me the flexibility for my young family while managing studies and work.”

Neha’s leadership style has been defined as transformational – an approach that causes change in individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders. Yes, that is Neha at her best and it is consistent with Lazer Grant’s mission statement. “As a firm, we take employee engagement seriously.” For example, most accounting firms demand in excess of 55 hours per week from their employees during the busy season.  Lazer Grant, however, puts their team members’ health and wellbeing first, limiting hours spent during the busy season to no more than 50.  And no clients have suffered for that; the work is done, done well, and done on time.  Win-win.

Neha treats her client and practice with integrity. She ensures ongoing communication with clients to reassure them that she is always there as a sounding board. Integrity is a fundamental trait of Neha that has led her to establish trust and credibility with the clients. She addresses the clients with honesty by ensuring consistent actions, honesty, and prioritizing long-term success over short-term gains resulting in trust and respect in the clients and creating a positive organizational culture. It is this access that has turned many of her clients into referral sources. When you ask her clients many of them will describe her as someone they feel easy to communicate with, in generous with her time and provides meaning full conversation. Some client would exceptionally define her as “one who does not shy away from tough conversations”.

In the community, she helps people make meaning full connections. In her personal time, she often works with individuals who are new to North America and  reach out to her to learn best business practices and for help to establish a network. Neha stays grounded by spending time with family and close friends, getting physical exercise, having spiritual practices, doing community service, and traveling.In addition, she strongly believes that leaders should not go it alone and should seek human connection, especially when they are willing to open up about their challenging times and experiences and hear another person’s perspective.

Neha believes, together with her partners, that Lazer Grant must and will continue to be a dynamic team of professionals whose goal is to help their team members and clients succeed. That involves constant improvement, growth, goal setting, progress tracking, communicating, and state-of-the-art innovations. “I am keen on working towards growth and pushing towards great results. There is so much in store for the company in terms of development, and I want to strive towards contributing in the best possible manner.”  Ask any team member; they’ll tell you she’s the real deal – approachable, compassionate, genuine, and unceasingly competent.

We can say that great women leaders are strong, resilient, inspiring, and team-oriented. Neha has culminated into one such leader owing to her persuasive, inclusive, and authentic thought process and communication. She embraces the company, builds connections, and strives for wholeness in her personal and professional lives. Whether it involves seeking advice from a trusted individual or a group of their peers, Neha continues to seek input from others. She recognizes that there are things that she could be doing better and tirelessly working to meet those goals and transforming into an inspiring leader who has the ability to motivate and mentor those around her in the best positive manner.

" As a firm we take employee and client engagement seriously. The firm has been in business for over 40 years based on the principle that ‘we exist to help our clients and people grow.’ "

Neha Sahi


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